The infamous Rotarian, Bonny Jorden, who happens to be the Executive Director of the Philip J. Rock Center and School,
came with some questions and an exercise in self-examination.
What makes you get up every day?
Who matters most to you?
Why do they matter?
Three adjectives that describe you!
What has been your biggest obstacle?
What is your why in life?
Then we were instructed to make a poster with these answerers about ourselves. I thought I knew most of the members fairly well. But, with the honesty of the members, I was surprised at the many revelations of some very personal tidbits. The process got extended to a second week because it went so well. Of course with Bonnie's leading the experiment how else would it turn out.
Look at how some of the posters turned out. I was surprised at the participation. It is hard to turn Bonnie down.....PJ Keenon